Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Gethsemane Garden - Jerusalem, Israel; Ashdod, Israel - RC Mariner Day 7

The ship docked in Ashdod. Jerusalem is about a 1 hour drive away. The negotiation with the taxi driver was protracted to reach Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The day would be long and busy.

Our driver took us to do shopping for Dead Sea products. I should have been tipped off about our driver when we spent 30 minutes here.

A view of the Old City. The gold dome is the Temple on the Rock.

The Bible came to life.  There was a certain amount of unbelief that I was here walking the same path of Jesus.

Olive trees. Beautiful and stout.  Are these 2000 plus years old?

Next to the Olive tree that purportedly Jesus prayed at before his betrayal.  How did people know this was the exact tree?  Do olive trees live this long?

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