Tuesday, June 14, 2011

No Name Hole in Wall? - Rome, Italy

This was where we stayed. Via Borgo. And the restaurant below just across from where we stayed is where a decent pasta dish could be had for a reasonable price, at least by Italian standards.

Does this eatery have a name?

Actually this place must have a name. If I weren't so shaky with the camera, I would have gotten the name.  It was like an oven inside. Italians seem to get along fine in with heat, wearing long pants.

Pasta Bolognese

Pasta Carbonara. Give the Italians credit. They know how to make good pasta.

Pork Sandwich. The pork in the counter tempted us to buy the pork. The pork was delicious and so was the bread but the bread masked the flavors of the pork.

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