Sunday, June 19, 2011

Athens, Greece - Part 1 of 2

The trip to Athens starts with a train ride originating in Piraeus. It's a 20 minute walk from the port, taking a left, following the road along the shore line.

We Exit at Sindagma stop to see the changing of the guards at the Parliment Building but decide against waiting and we continued walking down Mitropoleos street.

We ran into the first historical site, the Mitropoli, a church

We continued walking further down the street and saw the Acropolis up and off to the left and decided we had to visit.

We didn't realize at the time we could have continued walking that direction, albeit not directly, and would have been in the vicinity of the entrance so we took the Rail/Subway and got there in a longer roundabout way

We exited at the Akropolis stop and walked a short distance to the Acroprolis entrance. Pay $14 and enter

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