Monday, November 10, 2014

All Clad Stainless Frying Pans

Twelve inch, ten inch, and a seven inch all bought separately.

d5 Nonstick

The seven inch has seen some use and discolored.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Saint Louis Zoo - St Louis, MO

 Admission to the Zoo is free!

Giant Water Bug

Giant African Millipede

Blue Bellied Roller

Somali Wild Ass

Baby Bongo


Black Jaguar

A great zoo. Lots of fun. Lots of people. It was a nice day but walking under the sun petered us out.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Red Tailed Hawk

A young hawk in the wild.  It was very tolerant of humans. I got to within 10 ft of it for the photo op and it viewed me with curiosity. It was very aware and it exuded intelligence.