Sunday, July 18, 2010

At Sea - Costa Atlantica Day 2

Breakfast - the first breakfast. I was hopeful that it would be great but instead it was the worst of any cruise breakfast offerings. I was disappointed.


Fried Skate - very good

The first of many pasta dishes with names I've never dealt with before. A bite already taken.


New Tiramisu - fantastic

After this lunch, I was all primed for great meals in the upcoming days.

Gala Dinner. The Europeans don't seem to get as gussied up as Americans for the Gala dinners. That's OK with me. The Gala dinner is a pain because it means I have to bring a suit which means extra clothing I wouldn't otherwise bring. Norwegian Cruise Lines is great in that it has open dinner times.

Wafer do sfoglia al sesamo - puff pastry wafer served with moorhead fish carpacio, ricotta cheese, and lemon juice.

Taglierinini con vagu di capesante e prezzemolo - taglierinin with scallops ragout and parsley

Le costolette di agnello impanate - breaded lamb french cut with potatoes, artichokes, and thyme flavored oil

Milliefoglie filled with mascarpone cheese and carmelized apple tartere.

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